Category: Business

Requirements to Qualify for Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a practical approach to managing your debt by combining multiple debts into one payment. You’ll achieve a more uncomplicated debt management strategy when paying one enormous debt instead of several. Borrowers often take out a debt consolidation loan to pay off multiple creditors but increase their overall debt burden. Read on to learn who qualifies for this consolidation and what to do if you have bad credit.

Debt Consolidation Loan Explained

A debt consolidation loan is where financial institutions like Symple Lending provides funds to pay off your outstanding card debts, consolidating them into one big loan. These loan types prove helpful to any individual having a hard time making their monthly payments. However, you still need to qualify for one by meeting the specific needs of each lender.

How Does It Work?

Many individuals consider debt consolidation as an approach to relieve financial stress. A lender

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Your Comprehensive Guide to IT Support Services

Technology: love it or hate it, it has become an integral part of our lives both at home and at work.  Honestly, can you imagine trying to run a business or organization without it?  Talk about the impossible. 

Despite how necessary it is, though, that does not make it any less difficult to manage our tech in our businesses.  It can be a real pain to try to ensure that everything is going correctly, after all.  That is all without even mentioning how challenging it can be to protect ourselves from cyber attacks or other threats to privacy and security. 

Wondering what you can do to alleviate this problem, though?  Well, look no further!  Today, I will be offering a breakdown of how you can utilize tech support services to suit your organization and protect your data from external threats.

Tech Support: What is it?

The first step here is

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The Inflation of Higher Education

How far does a university degree get you? If you think you’ll automatically earn a better job, status, and higher pay, congratulations. You’ve bought into the myth.

Higher education in America is a bubble. There are exceptions, of course. What Big 3 consulting firm can argue with a Harvard MBA? But by and large, the trend is clear.

This bubble, according to Agora Financial’s Eric Fry, is rooted in a belief:

Once upon a time, a college education in America was a one-way ticket to a high-paying job and a lofty socio-economic status. Part of its value derived from the fact that a college education was relatively rare. In 1950, only about 5% of all Americans held a bachelor’s degree.

Since this 5% tended to fare so much better than the rest of the American population, lots of folks began to ask themselves, “Why not send as many kids

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The Business of Medicine

As much as medicine and healthcare exists to service humanity, there is no doubt that it is a massive segment of the business world. By the year 2040 alone, the healthcare market will be an $8.3 trillion market – and that’s just in the United States. Let’s take a deeper dive to learn more about the national healthcare growth trends in the infographic below:

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