Month: February 2017

Enhance Your Business Career with more Languages

I can’t tell you how useful knowing new languages has been for my business career. If I had not known Spanish, I never would have landed my first gig being a reporter in Mexico. If I had not known basic Mandarin, I would not have top government-owned clients in Beijing, China. The list goes on, but the bottom line is that knowledge in these Mandarin languages helped me expand my list of clientele.

Now, I know what you are thinking – you do not have the time, energy, skill, etc. to become fluent in a new language. Who said anything about fluency? There is an tendency for language learning software to promise fluency within ‘X’ number of months. But Rosetta Stone is completely practical in its promise. If you put in the time, you will gain more language skills.

In my own work, language fluency was never a requirement. You … Read more

the global economy is weakening despite a surge in online commerce

Rapid technology advancement might be enough to convince you that domestic and global economies are getting better, but in fact, the situation is quite the opposite. A recent report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlights the vulnerability of the world’s economy, as global debt hits an all-time high of over $150 trillion.

Such debt figures should not be a problem when the economy is growing quickly, but unfortunately, the world economy is not growing fast. Some of the most indebted countries have stagnant or declining economies. IMF says that a combination of slow economic growth, high debt, and weak banks could propel the world into a dangerous financial direction.

The number of online business-to-consumer transactions is rising rapidly.

Concerns about a weakening global economy have been further echoed by the United Parcel Service, Inc – the largest package-delivery company in the world – which is foreseeing future business turmoil … Read more

Business Forex For Beginners

Basically, if you want to trade or business better stock purchases or sales of shares, then you have to deal with securities companies or so-called broker or brokerage firm like VantageFX.

The securities firms are represented in the Exchange commonly called the broker. Stockbrokers is exactly what will make transactions on the basis of an order or mandate you gave both to sell and to buy. Brokers can also provide suggestions or any other advice with respect with your investment plans. for his services to it then you are obliged to pay commission fees to brokers.

Forex and Broker Role To be able to participate in the big forex market you need to partner with the retail forex brokerage firms that will incorporate all trader transactions and forward it to the larger broker or directly to the market. One factor that can support your success in forex investment is … Read more

How To Get Him Back Fast (3)

If you’re unhappy in your current job and want to make a career change late in life, it is essential to make a radical plan first. More than half of U.S. staff wish to change careers, a quantity that may probably enhance as time goes on. People live longer, retiring later and looking for a way of objective of their careers, main them to pursue career modifications later in life. The days of pension plans and employer loyalty are all but gone, and staff are pondering of their careers as an extension of their passions, not their employers’ needs. Women particularly might seek a career change as they transition out and in of the workplace to care for kids or growing old mother and father.

At the World Travel Awards ceremony held in December within the Turks & Caicos , Europcar was named the World’s Leading Green Transport Solution Company, … Read more